About Us

I want to share my passion for fitness and resistance training with you and help you succeed in your fitness journey.

About Me

A picture of the owner of myfitnesshubs.com

Hi! I'm Seef Dara, founder of Fitness Hubs. Thanks for visiting my site. If this is your first visit to my site, you might be wondering who I am and what it's all about, so here's some info about myself and Fitness Hubs.

I'm a dedicated fitness enthusiast who recently got into weightlifting. Usually, I work out 5 to 7 days a week. Everything I do and think of involves some aspect of my training program, fitness goals, or nutrition

You might think then, I might be some personal trainer or have some other job in the fitness industry, but the truth is... I don't! :p

The truth is, I'm just a regular guy, like everybody else, who works a 9 to 5 job in the healthcare industry. I have to commute to work every day and do my daily grind in life just like everybody else to survive. The only difference is that I'm crazy about exercising! I'm very serious about fitness and working out.

I have set specific goals I want to achieve in weightlifting (currently, these goals include snatching 100 kilograms or 225 pounds and clean & jerking 140 kilograms or 308 pounds). I'll post some updates about my progress on this site somewhere in the (not too distant) future ;).

Why Fitness Hubs?

I started this website to give my passion for fitness a place for others to visit. If you're passionate about fitness and working out, I hope you'll find relevant articles here that spark your interest.

You can always contact me if you have questions or want to discuss anything related to fitness :).

My Fitness Journey

The roots of Fitness Hubs lay in my fitness journey over the last decade and the experiences I obtained over several years (15+ years!) of working out and exercising.

As a teenager, I was involved in all sorts of sports until, at the end of puberty, I wanted to get stronger and get 'six-pack abs.' Since I didn't have money at that time for a gym membership, and since 'push-ups' were a benchmark of strength among my friends, I started exercising at home using nothing other than bodyweight exercises (after all, all I knew back then was doing push-ups).

This simple workout extended from push-ups to crunches, squats, and shoulder presses (standing on my hands with my legs resting against the wall for support and pushing myself up from the ground).

As I got more interested in the exercises and was hungry for more information about muscle growth, technique, proper form, and nutrition, I gained more and more knowledge and wisdom about the exercises and working out. I improved my form by making videos of myself, analyzing my (at that time terrible :p) technique, discussing with friends, etc.

I learned about diet and nutrition by reading countless articles about working out, exercises, food, fat loss, building strength, growing lean muscle tissue, and getting a 'shredded' physique.

I started calorie counting and tried many different nutrition plans. I experimented with weight gain and fat loss on myself to see what worked and what didn't. As such, I learned several things about how my body works with trial and error.

Over the years, I've gained much knowledge and experience. I started to live a healthier and happier life by becoming the best version of myself.

The biggest lesson I learned regarding fitness and working out is that consistency is one of the most important things to make progress and reach your goals.

With Fitness Hubs, I want to write about and share my experience with you and create a space for all your needs related to fitness, getting fit, and working out. If you're as passionate about fitness as I am, I hope you'll have a pleasant stay at my website! :)

Do you want to become fit and lean?

What if I tell you that you can become fit and lean as well? If you just know what to focus on, what to eat, and how to train, then it's just a matter of time before you'll see results. The biggest thing that can hinder your progress is your own mindset!

Do not let negative thoughts keep you from becoming the best version of yourself!