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Is it awkward going to the gym for the first time?

Going to the gym for the first time can, like attending any new activity you’ve never done before, be scary and awkward. But if you use a great workout program, learn about correct form and technique, and follow proper gym etiquette, you’ll feel at ease in the gym within your first day!

Published: 29 October 2023Last updated: 24 January 2024
A crowded gym with text overlaid reading First time gym awkwardness.
Figure 1: First time gym awkwardnessGoing to the gym for the first time can be scary and awkward, especially if it's crowded as seen above. You'll feel everybody has their eyes set on you and is judging you, but that's mainly your thoughts playing tricks on you. If it's your first time at the gym and you have prepared yourself and learned the basics of some exercises, there's no need for awkwardness or fear at all. As a matter of fact, everybody there is for the same reason as you: to better themselves physically!


Is it awkward going to the gym for the first time?

To tell you the truth... it is awkward, but that's probably only in your own mind.

You are probably the only one bothered much by it and finding it awkward instead of others thinking about you that way... unless you don't follow some written and unwritten gym rules!

In the latter case, others will notice you, making everything much more awkward for you than it already is.

So what are these written and unwritten rules of the gym that you need to adhere to to make your first (and subsequent) visits to the gym pleasant and feel right? You'll find that out with this article!

But let's first begin by describing why the gym can be scary or awkward the first time for so many people.

Why is it awkward going to the gym for the first time?

So why is the first visit to the gym scary and/or awkward to so many beginners?

Well, there are multiple reasons for that, but the main reason it is awkward going to the gym for the first time is that it's a new setting wherein you don't know other people.

You're all alone by yourself with many strangers, and that alone can be too much for some people, especially introverts.

If you're an extrovert, you'll probably have an easier time taking your first step in the gym... but it's likely you'll also have an easier time doing other types of activities or attending different types of events for the first time.

Other reasons why going to the gym for the first time might be scary or awkward, can include:

  • You lack training experience.
  • You are insecure about the way your body looks.
  • Some exercises may feel awkward.
  • You lack the proper mobility for some exercises.

How to make the gym less awkward

There are multiple things you can do to make your first gym experience less awkward, or even pleasant. I’ve broken them down into two categories:

  • The first category is mainly based on your appearance (clothing) and overall impression.
  • The second category concerns your workouts and how you exercise.

Your appearance and impression

How to dress and behave to make your gym experience less awkward

Wear proper workout clothing & shoes

This one is simple. Refrain from showing up over- or underdressed. Dress appropriately for the gym.

If you're a guy and just started lifting, don't wear one of those extremely revealing bodybuilding tank tops.

The same applies to women: don't wear too revealing clothes or extremely tight leggings that show everything... especially if you're a beginner. To guys, it screams that you're desperate for attention (and it makes it so much worse if others spot you doing exercises completely wrong).

No matter you're gender, wear clothes that fit the activity and make sure they're clean.

That holds for your shoes as well: wear proper sports shoes or clean sneakers. Don't show up in construction worker's shoes or flip flops (believe me or not: I see these gym 'brahs' show up in these at least once every week or so...the cringe is beyond imagination!).

Wash yourself and smell fresh

Go to the gym with proper body hygiene. Don't go to the gym, especially if you just got a new membership, after a day of work with lots of sweating.

You will smell bad, and others will notice this. If you've had a long and sweaty day at work, at least take a shower and freshen yourself up before going to the gym.

For guys: please, PLEASE use deodorant. The number of times I've noticed some gym brahs walk past me and the stench they leave behind... it really smells bad to such an extent that I get out of focus during the exercise.

The smell of armpit sweat is so nasty, especially when it smells like onions, that whoever smells that bad will be remembered by others.

Prevent leaving behind a terrible first impression and make sure your body hygiene is good and wear deodorant and some light fragrance (again: don't go overboard with the fragrance: you don't want to wear a fragrance that's soo overwhelming that others barely get to breath).

Follow proper gym etiquette

There are all sorts of written (by the gym staff) and unwritten rules in the gym. If you're a newcomer and afraid you might come off as awkward to others, then it's best to adhere to these rules.

What are they?

Written rules:

  • Come in proper workout clothing and (clean) sports shoes.
  • Bring a towel with you (and a water bottle if you want).
  • Wipe your sweat off the equipment after use.
  • Put back all dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, and other equipment after use.
  • Be friendly to other gym members and do not insult others in any way.

Unwritten rules:

  • Do not pose excessively after each and every set, especially if you're technique sucks as you're still a beginner.
  • Do not moan excessively during each rep.
  • At all times, do not scream, no matter how heavy the set is!
  • Do not throw the weights on the floor or aggressively smash the equipment after each rep.
  • Do NOT film others without their permission.
  • Do NOT post images/videos you made in the gym on your Instagram/TikTok without their permission, and definitely do NOT mock them in those videos/images.
  • Do NOT be aggressive or insult others if they accidentally walk in front of your camera/phone while filming yourself.

Bring a towel and a water bottle

As mentioned in the 'gym etiquette' section above, always bring a clean towel and water bottle with you. Some gyms only allow entrance with a clean towel.

Even if you plan to do just some stretching exercises that won't leave you sweating much...still bring a towel with you.

Use your towel to clean the equipment after use, such as benches and machines.

Also, when using a bench or machine, put the towel on the machine, then sit on the towel. This makes it extra clean and signals good manners to others (it's an unwritten rule in the gym, but it shows to others you have some hygiene standards... making your first visit less awkward).

Your lifting and workouts

How to work out properly so you'll feel less awkward:

Stick to the basics

  1. Deadlifts
  2. Squats
  3. Bench press
  4. Overhead press

These are all you need initially to build up strength and mass.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, become fit, or get much stronger: the above four lifts are all you need initially.

All other exercises are in some way a variation of the above four main lifts.

The regulars in the gym will easily spot newcomers who are serious about their workouts and have done their homework vs. those who have no clue what they're doing.

And although your technique as a newcomer needs lots of improvement, the fact that you, as a newcomer, focus on these four main lifts deserves respect from others nonetheless.

Keep it light

At first, your priority should be on much different aspects than lifting heavy.

As a newcomer, your priority should be technique, technique, technique, and technique!

Besides prioritizing technique, did I mention you should focus on technique? ;)

The next thing you need to prioritize, is showing up regularly and consistently.

If you want to improve and make gains, you need to be disciplined and do the necessary work. Your technique will improve as long as you focus on that aspect, but also if you consistently go to the gym at the frequency you set for yourself.

To make things less awkward, show your face frequently at the gym. After a few weeks, the regulars will get used to seeing you at set times in the gym. You become gym furniture, too, just like the others (if you don't get the joke: by showing up consistently and frequently, you become part of the gym, figuratively speaking :p ).

No ego lifting

This aspect is a mistake both beginners and more experienced gymgoers make... It's especially common to gym bros.

Ego lifting is when you're trying to lift too heavy, and your technique goes down the drain due to that.

Think about using momentum to lift the weight or doing an exercise with an incomplete range of motion (for example, doing half or even quarter squats).

I see ego lifting in the gym every single day. No day goes by that every person lifts properly and correctly with the right technique, and it's usually the guys who are guilty of ego lifting.

But not too rarely; I see women doing ego lifting as well, especially during squatting and bench pressing.

The worst of all is when you see an absolute beginner who has set foot in the gym for the first time ever and immediately starts doing ego lifting during their very first workout (and usually it's accompanied by loud moans :facepalm).

By all means, if you do NOT want to make your first visit to the gym feel and look awkward, then please educate yourself on proper technique and form for the exercises you'd like to do, and keep ego lifting out the door.

Use a workout program

When you're going to do something, anything, without a plan, you'll have less confidence... and that will show to others.

The same holds for your first visit to the gym: if you do not want to make it awkward, make sure you have some plan to follow for your first workout.

Make sure you have a goal first (why do you want to go to the gym?).

Then, get a workout program that helps you reach that goal.

At the bare minimum, your workout program should state:

  1. How many days you need to work out.
  2. Which days to work out and which days to rest.
  3. Which exercises you should do each workout.
  4. How many reps and sets each exercise involves.

And that's just the bare minimum, but if you're a beginner, that's all you need anyway (periodization, progressive overloading, supersets, drop sets, and other advanced training techniques will come later as you gain more experience).

With a plan, you will know what you need to do in the gym, and you'll be more focused and more confident.

You won't have moments where you're looking around and wondering what you should do next or looking at others to get inspiration and ideas for the next exercise.

With a workout program, your workout sessions will be targeted and efficient, and this makes it much less awkward for your first visit.


Don't let anxiety keep you from going to the gym for the first time!

I know it can be scary, especially if it's not only your first time at a new gym but also if you've never worked out before, but if you prepare yourself, use a good workout program, and focus on your newly set fitness goals, you'll see that all awkwardness starts to fade away after you begin your workout.

Once you feel more at ease in the gym, you'll notice nobody is actually staring at you or judging you at all.

Everybody is there for the same reason as you are: to better themselves physically or even mentally!

So pull yourself together and start heading to the gym NOW!

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During the day I work as a healthcare professional in dentistry, but in the evenings and weekends you can find me in the gym or doing some cardio training outside. Besides having a passion for exercising, I like to write about anything related to fitness, nutrition, motivation, weight loss, and achieving a healthy lifestyle in general.